acne vulgaris

Saturday 24 October 2015

Acne Be Gone

The last time you looked in the mirror you were terrified at the reflection you saw looking back at you. You could not believe that acne scars had gotten the best of your beautiful childhood face. You have tried everything you possible can to get rid of acne scars but it just is not working. Give me something natural you scream. 

Well here it is. Believe it or not there are very simple home remedies that you can use to get rid of acne once, and forever.

The first common house hold item that can be used to treat acne scar is lemon juice.

You might be wondering, why the lemon juice? The lemon juice contains acid, which stimulates the growth of new cells to replace dead skin

To use the lemon juice treatment to remove your acne scar you will need to first wash your face with warm water. Then pour some lemon juice on a cotton ball, and then gently rub the effected acne mark area. For best results leave the lemon juice on your face for about 10 minutes and then dry the affected acne scar area.

To start seeing results with the lemon juice it can take anywhere from one day and even up to three months. Results will vary depending on the seriousness of the acne problem.

The second way to get rid of acne scars is to eating a balanced diet. Eat plenty of fruits, and vegetables may help in removing acne scars. Eating more nutritious foods will help your acne scar to heal faster. Eating the right servings of fruits, and vegetables will help to build the skin to start to produce health cells. Which will then help the skin to have a nice healthy glow.

Another big factor in reducing or getting rid of acne scars is that you will also need to watch the kind of oils you are putting into your body. Some oils that you use is just screaming acne come and get me!

One of the most common forms of vegetable oil is the sunflower oil. It is highly recommended that if you are using such oils in your cooking then you should consider stop using them to cook as it will only increase the risk of more acne break outs.

By avoiding the use of vegetable oils in your cooking, it has been reported that it can be one of the leading factors in clearing up your acne by 50%. Even in sever cases it has been said that that people who stopped using such vegetable oils, have been completely relieved of any future acne outbreaks.

Ready to hear this? Believe it or not by drinking more than the recommended 8 glasses of water daily will immediately begin to see results with getting rid of your acne scars. If you are a severe acne suffer you should stay away from carbonated drinks, and caffeine drinks such as coffee, and sodas.

Hope this simple but yet powerful article helps you to get rid of acne scars once, and for all.
Keisha Seaton
Discover how to get rid of acne scar, and be acne free in as little as 3 days! Guaranteed.

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